Annual goal planning: A checklist built for you

Ready to go big this year? Follow this step by step guide and crush 2024 with 4 easy steps.


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The new year is finally here, and for most of us, a new year brings new possibilities.

Maybe you’ve found your word of the year, put together an amazing vision board, and bought the new planner that has promised to change your life. You are ready to dive deep into making this year YOUR year!

But how do you actually do it?

With a strategic, step-by-step plan of course!

Having a strategic plan for what you want to accomplish throughout the year and by learning the necessary tools to implement your plan is exactly where you need to start!

Want to get started right away? Sign up for our newsletter and receive a free copy of our annual planning checklist.


Step 1: Reflect on your previous year

Before jumping head first into the new year it is important to take a bit of time to look at everything that happened in the past year. This review is an opportunity to not only look at what didn’t work out the way you had hoped but also to look at all you have accomplished throughout the year.

Don’t forget to celebrate your successes!


a person sitting on a log with their chin resting in one hand and the other hand holding a black notebook
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash


Here are some questions to ask yourself as you reflect:

  • What were my notable accomplishments?

  • What challenges came up?

  • How did I work through those challenges?

  • What new skills did I learn?

  • How did I manage my time?

  • How could I have taken back my time?

  • What did I do that made me happy?

  • What areas should I have asked for help?

Use this step to make informed decisions to plan for the year ahead.

Step 2: Define your goals

Now, dream big and determine what your goals for the new year will be. One of my favorite things to do is create a vision board to have a visual reminder throughout the year of what I want to accomplish.

When you are determining your goals, it is important to be ambitious (BHAGS–Big, hairy, audacious goals), but I like to include manageable goals along the way.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • What do I want to accomplish personally?
    • Lose weight? Eat healthier? Exercise more?
    • Read more books?
    • Start to journal?

  • How do I want my relationships to look?
    • Go on more date nights with your spouse?
    • Play more with your kids?
    • Improve communication with your friends?

  • What would I like my finances to look like this year?
    • Sell more products or services?
    • Make more money?
    • Increase savings?

  • What would I like to accomplish in my career?
    • Go back to school or learn a new skill?
    • Attend more networking events?
    • Take on a leadership role?

  • What other areas matter to me?
    • Contributing your time, talent, or treasure to local organizations?
    • Making improvements, changes, or expansions to your home?
    • Traveling or taking more trips with friends, family, or for work?


    Some other areas of your life you can set goals in could be: hobbies, time management, creativity, technology, and SO much more.


    a green typewriter with a piece of white paper sticking out that says Goals
    Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash


    Set up personal and professional goals with our annual planning checklist!

    There are many opportunities to set goals. Dig deep and determine where you want the biggest impact in your life to be made. On the other hand, don’t overwhelm yourself with trying to set too many goals.


    Step 3: Develop an action plan

    Now that you know what your goals are going to be, how are you going to set up a plan to achieve them? It starts with coming up with a plan that suits you and your lifestyle.

    Create a detailed plan with actionable steps you can take. Outline the tasks needed to complete your goals, a timeline for achieving them, and any resources that you might need. This will help you be accountable and make it easier for you to redefine goals as the year goes on.

    • Are my goals specific?

    • What tasks do I need to accomplish my goals?

    • How will I know I’ve accomplished a goal?

    • Do I have a timeline to achieve my goals?

    • What resources or support do I need to achieve my goals

    • When will I check in on my goals?

    • Who will help me stay accountable for my goals?

    Figure out what process works best for you.

    One strategy is to break your goals into smaller pieces. Start with your yearly goal and break them down into quarterly goals. Then, break them down month by month and then down to the week. Pick one thing you can do each week that will bring you closer to your goals.

    You can easily do this with our annual planning checklist! The calendar leaves you room for weekly and daily planning.

    Step 4: Monitor, adapt, and celebrate

    Set up a schedule of how often you would like to review your goals. Do you like to take a look at how things are going on a weekly basis, month by month, or every quarter? Set up a time frame with whatever keeps you motivated and willing to work towards your goals.

    a pice of grid paper with a goal review written down
    Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

    When going through this progress ask yourself a few questions:

    • What is going well?

    • What could I be doing better?

    • Are my goals still aligned with what I want to achieve?

    • Have my circumstances changed?

    • Can I ask for support in order to get closer to my goals?

    Once you have looked at how things are going and asked yourself a few key questions, you will be able to easily adapt and adjust your goals if needed.


    Don’t forget to celebrate your achievements! You have worked hard and every step forward is a step closer to achieving your goals. Remember, learning how not to do something is an accomplishment. And when things don’t go the way you had originally planned, you can pivot.

    Stay motivated and focused throughout your year with our annual planning checklist.

    Categories: Business